Monday 3 November 2008


-Thriller questionnaire-

How old are you?

Male or female?
[Male] [Female]

What type of thriller do you like?
[Crime] [Horror] [Psychological] [Conspiracy] [Political] [Technological]

Do you like the killer to be revealed?
[Yes] [No]

Do you like partial vision to be used and to be kept guessing?
[Yes] [No]

Do you like to be left asking questions at the end?
[Yes] [No]

Do you like the mystery to be revealed?
[Yes] [No]

Do you like the main character to be a hero, or an ordinary person?
[Hero] [Ordinary person] [No preference]

Do you like cliff-hangers to be used?
[Yes] [No]

Should there be blood and gore?
[Yes] [No]

Should someone die in the opening sequence?
[Yes] [No] - If yes, who?__________ [Child] [Woman] [Man] [Elderly] [Animal]

Should there be music in the opening sequence or background noise?
[Yes] [No]

What’s your favourite weapon?

Do you like the opening graphics to be bold?
[Yes] [No]

Do you like special effects to be used?
[Yes] [No]

Where would you like it to be set?
[City] [Desert] [Country] [House][Other:]

Male or female villain?
[Male] [Female]

Do you like suspense?
[Yes] [No]

What scares you?
[Clocks ticking] [Heartbeats] [Breathing] [Footsteps] [Unnatural noises]

Do you like more than one villain?
[Yes] [No]

-Questionnaire results Analysis-
From the results of our questionnaire we collated the data in to a range of charts and visual representations to clearly show the “Audiences” preferences and best interests.

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This data shows us that our following results are going to be bias, as there are more males than females.

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This data shows us the age range of our potential audience, with the majority being 16. This means that there will be a bias towards 16 year olds.

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This graph shows us our audiences preference on weapons, the milk bottle and tea spoon were clearly more popular than the rest, this tells us that if we are to use a weapon these are the two to pick from, although we will be limited to the use of the weapons as the our film is certificate 15.

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This graph shows us the sub genre of thriller our audience preferred, and psychological is clearly the most popular amongst our audience. This tells us that our film’s sub genre should be psychological.

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This pie chart shows that those who wanted someone to die in the opening sequence preferred a child to die as that was the most popular with 29% closely followed by the elderly and women both at 21%.

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Those asked, show us that they prefer the killer to be revealed, partial vision to be used, to be left asking questions, to have the mystery to be revealed, to have a cliff-hanger, blood and gore to be used, someone to die, to have music and background noises, to have bold opening graphics, to use special effects, to have suspense and to have more than one villain. Therefore we will attempt to use as many of those as possible in our thriller.

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This pie chart shows those asked prefer the main character to be an ordinary person rather than a hero, at 42%. This shows that we need to have our main character as an ordinary person rather than a hero, as that is preferred.

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This pie chart shows that those asked are most scared of unnatural noises at 33%, with breathing close behind at 27%. This means that we need to try and use those two “top” noises in our thriller opening sequences.

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This graph shows that those asked prefer to have a male villain in a thriller rather than a female. This means that to please the majority of the audience, we will need to use a male villain in our script.

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This pie chart shows that the city is the most popular choice of those questioned at 38% which is a significant lead compared to the next highest result ‘desert’ at 20%.Therefore we will use the city for our thriller.

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